Hicaz mandira(Mandilatos) with music score

Music from Arabia, the foundation of Western music.

We are not familiar with Middle Eastern Arabic music.
However, it is widely believed that the roots of many of the instruments we hear so often in the West, such as the guitar, violin, and cello
Many of the instruments that we hear so much about, such as the guitar, violin, and cello, have their roots in the Middle East.
The fact that urban civilizations such as Mesopotamia and Egypt were created earlier than any other region in the world makes sense, doesn’t it?

Today we will look at the mode (melody) Makam Hijaz, based on the typical Arabic scale.
Let’s take a look at the mode (melody) Maqam Hijaz.
According to Tumata, an organization that studies music therapy in Turkey, this is how it is described.

Reflects the special qualities of fire. Has a connection with Jupiter. The effect is enhanced in the evening and morning. Beneficial in dry and cold related diseases. Has curative effect on bone, brain and children’s diseases. Excessive influence on urogenital system and kidneys. Induces modesty. Increases low pulse rate. The chest is also an area of influence. One of the oldest tones. closely related to Zengule and Zirgule Tonality. the name Hicaz (Hidjaz) comes from a region in Arabia. Sign: Sagittarius Group Fire.

Maqam tonality
  • Mode of fire
  • Effective in the afternoon
  • Originated from the Hijaz region of the Arabian Peninsula

In spite of its Arabic origin
Let’s take a look at the actual performance of the Hijaz mode, which is actually quite popular in Greece as well.

This is a performance using Western instruments such as the ancient lute.
It may be rather easy to listen to.

It is attributed to Lavta Andon, a musician of the early 20th century, but other sources attribute it to the Ottoman Caliph Sultan Abdulaziz.
In any case, we can confirm that the music is more than 100 years old.

This is the Arabic scale, which is expressed in the Western musical scale, but you can see how the notes are used in a way that is not common in Western music.

Maqam in not only the Scale

I’d like to add a few things.
A macaroon (melody) is not a scale (musical scale).
It’s about the mechanics behind the melody while using the scale.
It’s not just a scale, but also the pattern of the notes going up and down.
In other words, it’s not just a scale, but a technique for playing music in its entirety, including the patterns of how the notes go up and down.


The sound source you just heard
Western scale.
The Arabic scale contains microtones.
There are also half semitones (quarter tones) in the Arabic scale, which are not found in our familiar piano and guitar sounds.
There is also a half of a semitone (a quarter) that we are familiar with.
If you have been educated in Western music, you may feel uncomfortable.
Perhaps the more well educated you are in Western music, the more uncomfortable you may feel.

This one.
Performed by the Greeks
Hicaz Mandira
The first half of the video is played with the folk song Apano stin from northern Greece.
The second half of the video is a really exciting performance.
Both are in 7 beats, which is common in the music of Thrace in northern Greece.
7 beats. For your information
My score
Hicaz Manrira’s score is also attached for your reference.
Please use it for free .


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でてくることがあります。 これってホントなんでしょうか? 実は中東オリエントの音楽は音楽療法として使われてきた深ーい歴史があります。日本ではまだ情報がすくないことなので、わたしが実際に現地で学んだ経験から、いろんな資料をもと解説しますね。





聴きなじみがない中東の音楽も、こうした視点からの研究でもあきらかなように。西洋の音楽とは方向性がぜーんぜん違うのですね。 私たち日本人は明治以降の西洋化にともない、教育において西洋音楽をベースとした教育をうけてきましたよね。


もうちょっと具体的に典型的なアラビア音階【マカーム・ヒジャーズ】に基づいたモード(旋法)の演奏をみてみましょう。ギリシャの方達のパフォーマンス、動画の前半ではApanos tinというギリシャ北部の民謡、後半パーカッションソロからアラビア音階ヒジャーズの曲になります。


聴いた感じいかがでしょう? ずいぶん今の西洋音楽とはちがうかもですね。もしかして、ロック系の人は好きかもしれないですが、西洋クラシック音楽とはやっぱりずいぶん違いますよね。それでも、この演奏は、ヨーロッパでも東方に近いギリシャということもかり、オリエント世界の音楽ではかなり聴きやすい方です。 ちょこっとハーモニーみたいなのもついてますしね。


火の特技を反映。木星とのつながりがある。夕方から朝にかけて効果が高まります。乾燥寒冷関連の疾患に有益です。骨、脳、子供の病気の治癒効果があります。泌尿生殖器系と腎臓に過剰な影響を与える。謙虚さを誘発する。低い脈拍数を増加させる。胸も影響を与える部分です。最も古い音調の一つです。ZenguleやZirgule Tonalityと密接な関係があります。Hicaz(Hidjaz)という名前は、アラビアのある地域に由来しています。サイン:いて座 グループ 火。

Maqam tonality

こんな感じで、アラビア音階の由来について真面目に研究してる機関もあります。ヒーリング効果については個人差もあるとおもいますが、実はこうした音楽は西洋楽器でも、だれでも再現可能です。 マカームヒジャーズに基づいて作曲された作品
アラビア音階の定番Hicaz Mandira(Mandilatos)をマンドリンとともに私たちのアンサンブルで演奏してみました。

こうした楽曲はギターでももちろんできます。ウクレレでもできます。 意外に身近な楽器でもこうしたエキゾチックな音楽に親しむことはカンタンにできます。 とくにギターなどリュート系弦楽器の経験者ならすぐにできるはずです。
参考までに私の採譜したHicaz Manrira(Mandilatos)の譜面も添付しておきますのでご活用くださいませ,無料ダウンロード、ウエルカムです😌


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